Monday, January 12, 2009

About me...


My name is Lisa, I'm 36 years old, 190 pounds, and am happily married with four children. My kids range from 3 to 15 years old. I love making crafty items, and working from home.

My Hitting 140 blog is about me and my dieting plan and is here to give encouragement and also to make myself more accountable for my actions and hopefully, more apt to succeed.

I'm a complete food addict, alcohol addict, anything that makes me happy addict, and hate and refuse exercise. This has led me to 190.

But I'm trying to stop all that stuff, and get it right.

I have to add on to this, that I'm a binge eater. I will eat until sick, and then say Hmmmm.... what can I eat now, just to get that little food high you get where you associate emotion to eat bite. The emotion being extreme joy and happiness (until the food is gone of course).

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