Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The NEGATIVE (sorry!)

Okay, I'm sorry but, this is going to be my negative dumping thread. I'll apologize in advance because I really think negativity is not the way to go, and overall am a positive gal. So, I'll allow this one, big, running post to be my dumping and unloading spot for the negs.

January 14th, 2008
Okay, I'm very angry, and I know its dumb, unproductive, not using my intellect, and plain old silly. That being said:

/begin idiotic rant
I hate dieting, I hate exercise, and I hate not eating anything and everything I want to. I should be able to do what the hell I please in this short little life without having to bust my ass for anything. I should be able to eat frozen pizza without it depositing on my hips SO QUICKLY, and should not have to walk so long that I've thought of every possible thing I can think of and not much is left to think about aside from the pavement and passing out.

I should be able to bust my ass for three days (as I have) and SEEEEEEE the results in the photo, but nope, must be ALL water. So much for starvation and heavy whipping cream, yeah the numbers are there but... what about my FAT.

Another thing, I should appreciate what I have, my family, without letting this crap overshadow it all. I have got to figure out something, instead of being this way.

I said I'd be honest, and unfortunately, I feel very moody and angry tonight.
/end idiotic rant


1 comment:

  1. im so proud of you being honest about this struggle you're going through! and i know. it's just not fair. it simply doesn't make sense that we were put on this earth to enjoy and thrive, yet here we are stressing and correcting. i can't give you an answer to your problems other than to tell you to LIVE HAPPY. are you perfectly content with eating frozen pizza with the family? then do it! the anger and depression involved with dieting is dominant enough to erase all of the positive change of actually dieting. i'm not saying that being thin automatically comes with a package of regret - there are plenty of people out there with great bodies and great lives - but that is THEM. this isn't just a diet you are endeavoring, it is YOUR diet. take the things out of your life that you feel are negative: greasy food, laziness, negativity, anything. and by "dieting" from these things, not only will you feel more confidant with your self image, but who you are as a person as well. substitute these things with positive ones - things that matter to you - like family, peace, accomplishment, and i promise you will see change immediately.

    i know you want to lose weight and lose it quick. i suggest changing tiny things of your life and taking it day by day. i can't tell you how many "diets" ive abandoned simply because a. my goal was too drastic and b. i lost willpower.

    a tip from my very very limited knowledge of generic dieting:

    burn more than you intake.

    and thats it.

    hate exercise? what kinds of exercises are you doing? as i said before, everything in this diet is customized perfectly for YOU!

    do what you want, be who you are, and live happy -- now just add control!

    my best wishes!!!
